Flag Salute & Invocation by Stan Dyer
Visiting Rotarians:  Lisa Saar (Monday Club), Graham Harris (from New Zealand)
Guests: Josh’s guest Sean Stimac (Project Manager at Exxel Pacific)
Birthdays:  Stephanie Sadler, Terry Myers and John Templeton
Lisa Saar advocated for the Stop Hunger Now project, Nov 19th starting 9am at St Lakes Community Center 3333 Squalicim Pkwy:
Hockey fellowship gathering October 30, 4:00pm at the Bellingham Sportsplex.
Third Thursday Business Lunch will be THIS THURSDAY at Anthony Hearthfire, October 20 at 12:00pm.
First Thursday Rotary Happy Hour will be at Hotel Bellwether, on Thursday Nov. 3 at 4:30pm.
The Charitable Giving Committee seeking application for our Charitable Giving funds (10 to 15 donations of $500 - $2,000 each).  Please think of worthy organizations and refer them to Aaron or Brad Cornwell.  The selection process will be January 2017.
District 5050 Foundation Dinner will be November 12, 5pm, McIntyre Hall Mount Vernon, and our club will comp 10 tickets to members who want to attend.
Curtis and Bryant update on Grape & Gourmet: (Sunday 11/6/16 at Silver Reef Event Center).
General admission tickets (6:30-8:30p) $90/each
VIP tickets (5pm-8:30) $115/each (early entry + extra discount in the wine store + exclusive raffle)
This our club’s biggest fundraiser.  Each Rotarian is expected to buy at least $360.
Bryant discussed the pre-order wine list.  Discount for buying full cases (12 bottles). Minimum order 6 bottles per wine.
Delivery/pick-up is day before the event Saturday the 6th. 
Bill Geyer with a plea for us to buy tickets and support this event by volunteering; funds will go to Lydia Place and DVSAS construction projects next spring.
Member of the Month (for Sept and October) award and thank-you goes out to Doug Wight and Michael Tilley.  Good work, gentlemen!
Business Promo Bucket: Doug Wight with kudos to Curtis Dye. And then Lance Calloway with a promo for Hoptoberfest event:  ReBound of Whatcom County, B&G Clubs of Whatcom County, and Whatcom Sports & Recreation have teamed together to host Bellingham Hoptoberfest on Saturday, Oct. 22, 4-10pm: This event highlights the best in craft beer and gives back to these organizations. Also featuring a variety of local food trucks and live music by “Sunset Superman.”
Bucks in the Bay
  • Curtis Dye thankful for mild storm this weekend;
  • Jim Logghe for interesting make-up at Bham Rotary Club, 
  • Brent Walker 40 reunion of grad school in New Hampshire and visit to Montreal;
  • Terry Myer 5th anniversary back in Bellingham and a birthday!
  • Stephanie also with birthday!
  • Bob Moles trip a fe years ago to New Zealand ;
  • Bill Gorman busy weekend and got sick;
  • Andy Clay missed meetings;
  • Mimi Ferlin for Seahawks!
  • Bryant Engebretson trip to Portland - Lange Winery;
Sergeant at Arms by Flo
Fines for various misdemeanors. 
Tresha introduced Mike Parker and Kate Robertson, who work for the Whatcom Homeless Service Center, a division of the Opportunity Council.  The Whatcom Homeless Service Center’s mission is to build relationships to end homelessness through advocacy, systems change, and strategic partnerships.
Mike and Kate talked about the homeless population in Whatcom County.  The causes are as diverse as the population of homeless itself:  Chronic illness, unemployment, substance addiction, abuse and mental illness issues are common.  From a high of 850 people in 2008, the population of homeless in now down about 16% to 720 people.  Contrary to popular myth, the data indicates most of this population is from Whatcom County, and relatively few are coming to the area because of the support services available here.  Although expensive, building more affordable homes / apartments will be the most sustainable long-term solution to this problem. 
The Whatcom Homeless Service Center coordinates many of the housing resources in Whatcom County; and has a centralized and accessible way to link consumers to appropriate services. They maintain a Housing Interest Pool for the entire community, through which they keep up-to-date records of the housing needs of those seeking housing services.
Respectfully submitted, 
Stowe Talbot