Flag Salute & Invocation by Christine Palmerton

Visiting Rotarians: Ray George

Guests: Wife of Steve Spitzer


Changing of the Guard Party at Boxx Farm evening of June 26th, please sign up at Rotary lunch or let Lesa know you will be attending.  No lunch meeting that day.

Terry Brown said Brewers by the Bay tickets now on sale.  Event is July 22nd, Sunday, from 1-5pm.  There will be about 30 brewers, 60 beers, plus an array of delicious BBQ food!  Each member is responsible for buying (and/or reselling) 10 tickets, but the more the better.

Ray George of Whatcom North Rotary has Rubber Ducky Raffle tickets for sale.  Grand prize is $2500

New Member Inductions:
1.  Sponsor Bob Moles introduced Dale Collins.  
2.  Sponsor Christine Palmerton introduced Nick Caples.

District Governor Sean Hodgins did the official honors.  Goals are 1. Stay engaged 2. Tell people about Rotary 3. Look after young generation 4. Support Rotary Foundation.
Bucks in the Bay
  • Stephanie Sadler for retiring after 38 years in education
  • Henry Lee for obtaining his CPA
  • Bob Moles for a successful Ciao Thyme dinner
  • Lyn Templeton to thank fellow Rotarians
  • Lesa Boxx for a successful Ciao Thyme dinner
  • Jim Johnson for a neighbors donation to Rotary
  • Joel Hile for a new great granddaughter
  • Sue Sharpe for two daughters graduations
  • Lance Callaway for a son’s 4th birthday
  • Curt Smith for Bellingham United soccer and grandchildren’s employment
  • Steve Kimberly for a successful Ciao Thyme dinner
  • John Templeton for his daughter's concert
  • John Sleeth for his Parkinson’s treatment
Sergeant at Arms by Orphalee Smith
Fines for not wearing pins, young members, District Governor’s speech, Glen not talking, and current news.

John Walton of Walton Magic demonstrated a dice and magic card act.

Respectfulyy submitted,
Tony Freeland