Flag Salute and Invocation by Dean Fulton
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guests: Jill Reid’s friend Julie from Junior Achievement
  • Donna Edquist – Brewers by the Bay is July 27th, everyone is expected to buy 12 tickets, need volunteers to sign up
  • Bob Becker – Membership Committee to be held after Club luncheon
  • Eddie Hansen – Crab Feed is June 17th at 5:00 p.m., Fellowship Committee meeting next week
  • Bob Moles –Lunch meetings to stay on schedule “to be fair to all”
Short Program
Donna Edquist encouraged all to volunteer to serve at Brewers at the Bay.  It has been a fundraiser for the club for 8 years.  Todd R. and Steve B. started the event.  Over $200,000 has been raised.  This is Steve’s last year to Chair the event.  Terry Brown will be the future Chair.  There will be approximately 90 beers at the event.  Beer tickets are $1.  More people are needed to attend to increase the amount of money raised.
Bucks in the Bay
  • Dannon Traxler camped with children and house is framed
  • Tonja Myers announced a St. Francis event this Saturday
  • Donna Edquist has posters for Brewers on the Bay
  • Bill Geyer and Phil Hageman cheered for their World Cup team
  • Terry Brown for a wedding anniversary
  • Curtis Dye for a house closing
Sergeant at Arms by Flo Simon
  • John Templeton for being late
  • Men at tables with no women
  • Bellingham has most Espresso Stands per capita
  • Three largest Whatcom County employers
  • History of Consolidation Street
Nick Caples is the manager of the Bellingham Bells.  The team mascot is the Hamster.  The team is comprised of collegiate athletes.  The cost to attend the games starts at $6.  They play 56 games with 29 games at home.  An average of 1200 people attend each game.  They have a 19-5 record with a 19 game winning streak.  Nineteen colleges are represented on the team.  Players and staff stay with host families.  Players are 18-21 years in age.  Members of the team and staff shared their personal experiences as a member.  Several players have made it to the Major League.
Respectfully submitted,
Tony Freeland