Flag Salute & Invocation by Steve Kimberly
Dannon related some club history from the 1980’s.
Visiting Rotarians:  Wendy Heister (Houston)
Guests: Analise (Leopold), Shawn Stamac (Exxel Pacific), Steve Crockett (retired).
Carlye announced the Third Thursday Business Lunch this Thursday Sept 15th at noon at Anthony’s Hearthfire.
Fellowship event: Friday Sept 16th to see Capitol Steps at MBT, with dinner before at Anthony Hearthfire, 22 members already signed up.
Bryant update on G&G (Nov 6 at Silver Reef):  Tickets will be $90 (each Rotarian responsible to buy six tickets / $360).  The organizing committee meets every Thursday 4pm at Bryant’s office (WINE WILL BE SERVED!) - 4th floor Dorothy Haggen Bldg in Barkley.
Member of the Month:  Lance Calloway was awarded for his service to our club.  Congratulations, Lance!
New Member Induction:  Bob Becker inducted new member John Purdie, director of development at the Mount Baker Theatre.  
First Thursday Rotary Happy Hour will be at Hotel Bellwether, Thursday October 6 at 4:30pm.
Business Bucket by Phil X Hageman
Bucks in the Bay
  • Cannon with a trip to Woodinville and bike riding, a new bike, her twins turned 4!
  • Steve Brummell with some sports news;
  • Paul Twedt trip to Puyallup Fair with mom;
  • Mark Turner passed his drone operator certification course!
  • Glen Groenig celebrated wedding anniversary in Victoria on 9/11/01, and did it again this past weekend for 50th anniversary!
  • Bill Geyer nephew did RYLA, now he’s at WSU and recently accepted into a prestigious leadership program there;
  • Flo for the loss of her father recently, also memory of Matt Herzog who died in auto crash on 9/13/01.
  • Sven Gilkey for the Boy Scouts;
  • Scott Swanson missed meetings;
  • John Sleeth thanks for all the cards while in hospital recently, and a wedding anniversary;
  • Bill Gorman taught at a recent Rotary boot camp training seminar;
  • Bryant daughter i a National Merit Scholar (the first at St Pauls!), planning to visit Rice University;
  • Addie Brown;
  • Curt Smith with football news;
  • Eddie missed Viking night, but went to see Carrie Underwood;
  • Mimi Ferlin for football victories.
Sergeant at Arms by Tim Krell
Fines for Dannon, Husky fans, Cougar fans, the one Ducks fan (Brad Cornwell), trivia on mass transit. 
Tresha introduced Professor Eric Leonhardt, Director of WWU’s Vehicle Research Institute.  The program is 40 years old, started by Dr. Michael Seal. The VRI program strives to offer the best total car design curriculum in the world, focussing on complete vehicle design and fabrication with special emphasis on: power plants, including alternative fuels; transmissions; chassis design; and component materials.  All courses are laboratory-oriented. The program offers a bachelor of science degree (Industrial Technology – Vehicle Design Specialization), and the post-baccalaureate program offers a certificate in vehicle design.
Prototype cars were Viking 1 thru 45.  The VRI pioneered many innovations that are now standard in auto production.  The latest Viking car is a tandem seat, three-wheeler designed to be easily producible by students during a summer course.  Many VRI grad are now employed at Tesla and Space X.
Respectfully submitted, 
Stowe Talbot