Flag Salute & Invocation by Anna Williams

Guests: Mark Larsen, Ann Jones, Don Wolf, Gary Codrey, Markell Kaiser, Kae Unrein, Susan Rodanski-Anglada, Matt Groenig.

Announcements: Prospective new member (approved by board): Matt Groenig, Director of the Medical Group at St. Josephs Hospital, sponsored by Ed Zech.  Please direct comments to Frank Zurline or Bill Unrein.

Art Runestrandt reported that there will be be a Habitat Humanity work party scheduled for this Saturday, 8:30AM to 3 PM in Maple Falls.  The work party will demolish a shack, remove debris and take it to RECOMP, trim brush.  If interested, contact Art.

Ron Hardesty - Our centennial project, gateway shelter to Taylor Street Dock, is getting closer to completion (concrete has been poured).

Bucks in the Bay
Bill - successful hip operation by surgeon Mike Thorp, thanks Orphalee for filling in;
Tim McEvoy - fun time in Detroit at Superbowl;
Bill Geyer - despises the Steelers, update on Food Bank project: Three Bellingham Rotary clubs have committed $ and individuals;
Don Wolf - former Rotary member with our club, now at LaConner, invites everyone to "Smelt Derby";
Anna Williams - $100 to Foundation;
Eddie Hansen - great time in Detroit at Superbowl;
Pete Rittmueller -  son started as assistant manager at Starbucks here in Bellingham, looking forward to hearing Tim Ferris;
Curtis Dye - $50 to Foundation for 50 year birthday;
Barry Kramer - missed meetings, aloha;
Cy Lindberg - Superbowl party photo in paper;
Curt Smith - big tree fell on neighbor's car (his third car lost in 3 weeks);
Ron Hardesty - showed photos resulting from his $5,000 donation to feed children in Zimbabwe;
Dennis - birth of first grandson.

Sergeant at Arms by Frank Chmelik
Frank was MC at the recent Assumption fundraiser that raised $110,000; Fined those who went to Mount Baker skiing recently; Lance Calloway for upcoming soccer tournaments; all accountants; Lynn Templeton for hard benches at BGC; Ron Hardesty for Les Paul's 92nd BD (inventor of the electric guitar); non-eaters of smelt; Curt Smith; Paul Leuthold; those who went to Superbowl.

Orphalee introduced Tim Farris, an attorney advocate for the foster kids of Washington State. Tim is also the incoming President of the Bellingham Rotary Club. Tim talked about the dismal state of Washington's foster care system, run by DSHS (Department of Health and Human Services). Over 60,000 kids go through the foster care system in this state; 10,000 are being served at any one time.

The State promises these kids safety, care, stability and a long-term stable home environment, but this remains an unfulfilled promise. The State cannot provide enough homes and trained parents. Children are often subjected to inhumane conditions, even worse than the homes from which they were taken. The State gives each foster child a one-time clothing allowance of only $200. Children as young as two are often forced to sleep on the floors of the DSHS office. This situation has been going on for over 20 years. 85% of the kids have clinical psychological problems mental health needs, the foster parents are often not told about it, nor do the kids receive treatment. Tim characterized this program as one we will look back on with shock and shame that we let the abuses go on so long without taking action. In almost every state in the country, the conditions and treatment of children in State foster care systems have been the subject of increasing debate. Children are often separated from their siblings and many are placed in unsafe homes because there are too few foster homes.

In 1998, Tim led a group of child advocates to sue the State of Washington over its foster care system. After four years of work, the case went to trial in front of a Whatcom County jury. The trial lasted seven weeks. The jury returned a verdict finding that the conditions of Washington State's foster care system harm children and are unconstitutional.  Judge David A. Nichols agreed and issued a sweeping injunction reforming the foster care system.  The estimated cost of the reform is $60 million dollars a year or $600 million dollars over the next ten years.  The cost of no reform will be much greater.  DSHS appealed the lawsuit and lost. Still, DSHS is now reluctantly coming into compliance (over the next seven years), and is now overseen by an independent committee of 5 people called the "Braam Oversight Panel".

What can we do? Remember that children can't vote and can't call their lobbyists. Please call or write your legislators and demand action on foster care reform. Tim feels we need to put constant pressure on DSHS to get them to improve the appalling foster care system in WA State.

Respectfully Submitted,
Stowe Talbot