
Brooks Manufacturing will host the meeting on June 14.  There will be sign up sheets at the next few meeting, so they can determine how many lunches to provide. 

Please sign in to the Website and update your personal info. Go to Login, and if you forgot your username and password, hit the button which sends it to your Email address.

Grape & Gourmet needs volunteers; every member should pitch in and help with this event.  Sign up sheets located near the door.

Flag salute and invocation by Tonja Myers

Guests:  Mark Larson, John cooper, Ron Kelly and Ken Larsen.

Other Announcements:

Orphalee would like to request ideas from the club for speakers and programs.

Bob Moles awarded Ron Hardesty goodies for his Harley trip Chicago-Bellingham.

Ron said Squalicum High School gave us an award for all the programs we have provided their school: Student of the Month; Interact; and Scholarships.

Bucks in the Bay
Gerald Baron - for wife Lynn's great finish in an "over-50" Ski-to-Sea team, she completed an heroic kayak leg;
Patti - for going to LA fundraiser to see daughter Ashley who is working on the Hilary Clinton campaign;
Ed Zech - for 2 graduations (one at Navel Academy) and a wedding in DC;
John Barron - for successful "Barron" Ski-to-Sea team, ski boat-buying advice from the Ennen brothers, and lastly for NOT buying ski boat ski boat and saving $60K!
Stew Ellison - for finishing the kayak Merrill on Merrill Lynch's Ski-to-Sea team;
Denise Bosman - for Patti turning her on to tennis several years ago, daughter making District Tournament as a HS freshman;
Mimi - Missed meeting next week to go to Costa Rica;
Cy Lindberg - College graduation of daughter;
Christine Palmerton - Served beer for Anna's fundraiser in Fairhaven during Ski-to-Sea, son made the HS State track meet.

Sergeant at Arms - Dale Brandland: 
John Barron fined for Ski-to-Sea team;
Stew fined for contradicting Sargent Sargeant at Arms;
All who have tattoos;
Gary Barnett for shorts;
Gerald - Ski-to-Sea teeshirt?
Ed Zech - no saved lives today;
All boaters;
Tim McEvoy - spill in Acme;
Mimi- older brother-in-law;
Eddie unattended in beer garden;
All non-participants in Ski-to-Sea;
All WWU grads who didn't know their team won National champs in women's 4's and 8's (crew);
Patti for involvement in Clinton fundraiser;
All Democrats: "Mistakes happen";
All those who have lost their temper;

Program:  Chip Hilardes of GP
A little about their Bellingham operation:  $102mm/yr in revenue, $20mm/yr in wages, 240 employees total, Return on Net Assets 40%!  Since the pulp plant shut down, they buy fiber from various sources, almost all US-manufactured.  Proud of safety record.  Business is good, taking more market share from competitor Kimberly Clark. The plant may soon ramp back up to 7-day/week operations.  Chamber of Commerce recently awarded GP "community Business of the Year" (2004).  Completed a very complex land sale of their property to the Port of Bellingham.  GP participated in the Waterfront Futures Group planning sessions. Now actively selling their equipment and key assets.  Demolition phase I will begin this summer. About 15 buildings will be demolished, about 15 will be kept and renovated.  GP has plants across the US, but California is notably lacking a plant, and GP and their competitors are actively fighting for this territory.  2008 will be a big year:  labor contract up, lease up.  Will the tissue plant move?  Probably not, they will probably wait until the equipment and lines are obsolete, then demobilize.  Now the Bellingham plant is focusing on premium (Quilted Northern) products.  The lagoon may not be necessary for future GP needs... Am-Fab warehouses?  These have been torn down and the property cleaned up for the Port to take it over.

Respectfully submitted, Stowe Talbot