Flag Salute and Invocation by Glendine Barley

Visiting Rotarians: DC Morse, Fred Sexton and Pete Kremen.

Grape&Gourmet: Todd Ramsay said we are getting good commitments from the wineries. Lynn Templeton read the list of people who are currently on his "set-up" committee.

For new members Tim Krell and Steve Spitzer: Hopefully you are recieving this Email newsletter. For logging on to the Website, your login name is "Firstname.Lastname.265" and your password is "265". I've updated your profiles, except I still need your member number - please Email it to me (Stowe). Thanks.


Bucks in the Bay
Barry -thanks Eddie for great crab feed last Thursday;
Robin -enjoyed the crab feed too, also son's 22nd birthday;
Bob Jones -?
Lance Calloway -went to North Carolina to observe a?large soccer tournament called "The Veteran's Cup" (soccer for "old codgers"); the same tournament will happen here in Bellingham soon;
Gordon -success in business;
Scotty -attended the second of five planned weddings on the East Coast this year;
Patti -husband Frank's class of '66 Ferndale HS reunion;
Matt Groenig -for Ed Zech going on vacation soon for three weeks;
Bill Gorman -trip to Cannon Beach, 15-yr old son works at Colophon Cafe.

Sergeant at Arms by Ron Hardesty
Fined Ed for whining about missed items in Soundings, Frank Chmelik, Patti for referring to class of 66 "old"; Dale Brandland; Lance, Phil Swaab, Pete Kremen, crab feed attendees, Brendt, Scott Walker, sales by Dale Brandland of clothing left at crab feed.

Barry introduced Doug Erickson, our member of the State House of Representatives District 42 (Northern Whatcom County). Doug's priorities include natural resources and making WA better place to raise families. He has served eight years in the House. Current, Doug is the House Republican floor leader, running the day to day ops. Before that, he was the House's transportation guy.

Current items: The Guide Meridian project proceeding well - start construction next spring. Roundabouts and widening funded from Bellingham up to Birch Bay-Lynden Road. Costs $25 million over budget because of ROW purchases, and higher environmental costs. Current projects underway on I-5: $5 million improvements to on-ramps, as well as a study to add a third lane.

Doug complained that the Governor recently unilaterally (without any legislative approval) made a "compact" with the tribes allowing them to keep 75% of tax revenue on gas sales there - which would result in a loss to the WA tax revenue of up to $500 million dollars. This in turn puts projects like Guide Meridian improvements at risk.

Doug proposed a solution to the regulatory problem - if more than 250 people object to new regulation it would have to go up for a vote; this would allow the public to challenge rules and hold legislators accountable. He predicts healthcare will be the major issue with 2008 presidential campaign; the system is broken. Legislation has yet done nothing to fix it. Ideas Doug proposes: Government Partnership Act last year, health savings accounts, end "one-size fits all" plans, also reform medical malpractice reform. Or, we could go with a "single payer" system like Canada.
Other current hot topics in Olympia:
-Property rights;
-The death tax;
-A renewable energy tax.

Respectfully submitted, Stowe Talbot