Flag Salute & Invocation by John Sleeth
Visiting Rotarians:  Wendy Keister (Houston)
Guests:  John Purdie (Mt Baker Theatre), Patrick Drum (Saturna Capital),
Dannon read a snipet from our early club history 1981-82 first year. 
Crab Feed, Mark Thursday 21st at 5pm at Mark Turner’s place, $30/adult, $10/kid
New Proposed Rotary Event: Third Thursday business lunch, (first one will be noon, July 21 at Anthony’s Hearthfire) 
Update on Giovanni Melley by Curtis Dye.
New member induction: Phillip X Hageman conducted the induction rites for new member Patrick Drum, a research analyst at Saturna Capital’s Sustainable Bond Fund.  Welcome, Patrick!
Past President Bill Geyer recognized Mike Werner, Glen Groenig, Flo Simon and Jeff Clement for their service this coming year on the BBRC board. 
Lance with an update on Brewers by the Bay.  All Rotarians expected to buy (and resell if they want) at least 12 tickets.  Sunday, July 24, 2016 from 1-5pm at Depot Market Square.  Tickets available HERE http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-brewers-by-the-bay-tickets-25394194720 (or see Jeff Clement or Lance Calloway). SIGN UP FOR VOLUNTEER DUTIES! 
Business Bucket with Glen Groenig:  He is now operating his 4th store! 
Bucks in the Bay
  • Dannon went to Louisiana last week with family to see parents, saw an alligator, and a giant cockroach!
  • Lance Calloway’s son turned 8, and celebrated in Oceanside, CA.
  • Curt Smith recognized Orphalee and Ruby for repairing the various Rotary club burgees, update on the video on BTC history;
  • Mark Turner missed meeting while backpacking hiked all the way around Mount St. Helens, gorgeous scenery;
  • Tim Krell went with son to Montanan State, and recently joined forces with Jim Britain’s law firm!
  • Tresha Dutton family reunion, and asking for ideas for speaker topics;
  • Karen Burke missed meeting went to Colorado for father’s 90th birthday - got him stoned!
  • Bob Moles about how lucky we are to have Dannon as Pres!
  • Dean Fulton went to Austin TX for two weeks;
  • Mimi Ferlin went on wonderful cruise throughout Northern Europe, but glad to be home;
  • Donna Edquist missed meetings, recent travels, loves to travel!
  • Phil X Hageman 6 days in an RV with grandkids in Eastern WA, broken ribs and a cough - miserable!
  • Wendy Keister from Houston helping mom with solar panels on roof;
  • Pete Rittmueller for an adventure driving in Eastern WA, great working with fellow Rotarians;
  • Bob Becker update on Police Appreciation poster;
  • Tonja Myers son Ian Slater performing Mt Baker theater vocal recital 3pm Sunday please come and listen!
  • Glen Groenig missed the induction ceremony while visiting friends.
Sergeant at Arms by Flo
Misc. fines, some injured officers, busy with Maxine, crazy kid stories!
Dannon excited to serve as President this year!  Goals for more engagement of membership:  Fun and fellowship, hands-on service activities, etc.
July 14 BBRC board meeting this Thursday 4:30pm at Dannon’s office 2011 Young St.
Respectfully submitted, 
Stowe Talbot
Karen Haggen wins the raffle!